Wonder who will be at my wake?
as I look down on the body, once occupied?
Will someone read any of the poems I've written?
Will it make them they laugh or maybe cry?
Will I be turning over in my casket?
when I hear some of the things
they're saying about me then?
If I haven't really touched their hearts
with any love, that I'd forgotten to send.
I can almost hear them saying
'Doesn't she look good, she always did? '
But I think her personality needed adjusting
With all of her, ' telling others, just like it is! '
She could have been more forgiving
and not point out others faults.
She always wanted to pick others brains
and tried to analyze their thoughts.
When just a little kindness and love
would have been all anyone would need
so I'm at this wake to wish her, God Speed.
Linda Winchell