C Richard Miles - Oops!

2014-06-15 12

I’ve gone and put my foot in it
In no uncertain terms.
I didn’t mean to do it
But I’ve opened cans of worms.

I’ve gone and pulled the rabbit
From the magician’s hat
And into all the pigeons
I’ve been and put a cat.

There’s just a minor matter
That in my conscience lurks:
I’ve put a certain spanner
Into the very works.

I’ve jumped into the fire
From the frying pan.
I admit, for I’m no liar,
I’ve crossed the Rubicon.

I’ve really done it this time,
Although I never should;
Having spilt the milk, I’m crying
That I’ve mucked it up for good.

I’ve gone and burnt my bridges,
Let the cat out of the bag;
The genie’s left the bottle
And therein lies the snag:

Up the creek, without a paddle,
Pandora’s box lies open.
I’ve burnt both ends of candles
And now I am just hoping.

Why ever did I do it?
My last remaining thought is:
If I muddle through it,
Will anybody notice?

C Richard Miles
