Go out and spend your money friend 'tis soon you'll have to die
So what use in piling riches up for others to enjoy
And don't have some relation say on the day they lay you low
He forgot me he left me nought the bloody so and so.
Go out and spend your money friend and with it enjoy life
Because dead men they are quickly forgot even by their wife
And though she may be old and gray with your riches she can
Quite easily get married to a handsome virile man.
Don't leave too much to your daughter friend nor neither to your son
Because they too will forget you quick when your life course is run
But spend it on yourself my friend while you're still in your prime
Because you will be forever dead and short is a lifetime
Go out and spend your money friend and don't have people say
He was a miser all his life on the day you pass away
Because money it was made by man and meant to go around
And if you don't spend it someone else will when you are underground.
Go out and spend your money friend before it is too late
Because days and years slide fast away and time for no one wait
Because you will be forever dead and brief the human stay
And death quickly approaches with the dawning of each day.
Francis Duggan