Dorothy (Alves) Holmes - A Tale of Woe

2014-06-15 0

I knew this man
Who loved this woman,
Who loved him too, and
They loved deeply but
Not very well...
You don't love wisely,
Standing in quick sand!

He pursued her sweetness,
His eyes followed her...
He memorized her lips,
Inhaled her laughter.

I'I love you' he whispered...
She turned her head and pretended
Not to hear.
'I love you' he whispered again...
She left the room but forgot
To take her heart.

He stood by the ocean,
Looking out at the sunset...
'Be Happy! ' the waves beckoned,
He turned away,
Kicking sea shells,
Never looking back.

Silently stormy shadows, in
Corners of lonely rooms,
Are gathering dreams to dim
The clamoring cries...
Of good-bye!

Dorothy Alves Holmes
A Poet Who

Dorothy (Alves) Holmes