Francisco R. Albano - Asun of the Revolution

2014-06-15 10

In memory of Sr. Asuncion C. Martinez, ICM,84
July 21,1994

Who/what shall separate her from the land
That birthed her and now receives her into its sanctum
The land she helped defend against its desecrators
The land she opened us to as womanness of our being
Redeemed and reappropriated she is volcanoes
Of prophetic anger and flowers of justing love

Who/what shall separate her from the sky
That assumed her dreams and prayers for justice and peace
Her sweet incense of sacrifice and celebration
The sky wide as her embrace of the poor in body and spirit
Remembers and releases her as care of light and shadow
As night shedding tears like shooting stars

Who/what shall separate her from the people she served
Of picket line and rally and violent confrontations
Who touched the hem of her wisdom and compassion
Of her golden years to heal broken spirit in a civil war
Sunbeam of mission and starlight of conscience is she
Of happy memory long into the bloodlines of future

Francisco R. Albano