Dr John Celes - Abortion

2014-06-15 5

If mother kills her child in womb,
And this is not a sin or crime,
Why shouldn’t one kill others by bomb,
Or murder innocents each time?

The ‘seed’ implant in utero,
Is precious life, allowed by God,
And has all rights to live, be born
And see the world that God has made!

When homicide per se is crime,
Attracting punishment on earth,
How much more is infanticide
And abortion of unborn child?

What mother is she who would kill
Her unborn child, while still in womb-
An act against Almighty’s Will,
And turn the place of birth, a tomb?

No God of love will allow this
Great sin by modern Adams, Eves;
For, God is fair to all creatures-
Beast or man, big or small, with soul!

You shall not kill a human being
For, murder is a mortal sin,
Inviting mighty wrath of God-
Eternal Damnation, the rod!

Copyright by Dr John Celes 1-11-2008

Dr John Celes


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