Demon Elwin - Suicide

2014-06-15 1

What brings me to my last breath,
Whats going to be my choice to end it all,
Depression and Lies,
Broken into pieces too many times,
Haha this is my last goodbye,
Do I get to hear you say You love me one more time,
Or will I die before I even wake,
Silent thoughts about this up coming ending,
Can anyone stop me from doing it,
I think not,
No love for me and no one cares for me,
Go on and pull the trigger,
Drink the cyinide,
Hanging by my throat by this rope,
I deserve to die,
Tell me that I'm worthy to live,
I'll scream at you that I'm not,
Fear my death as I might,
But thats just a story in my life,
I laugh as I pull the trigger,
BANG....I'm dead now...,
Too late for me,

Demon Elwin