Audrey Heller - Learning To Take Life Easy

2014-06-15 4

I'm trying to learn, to take life easy,
not let every little thing, get to me,
as it doesn't do me any good, as
far as I can see! I'm constantly in a
dither, when anything goes wrong,
it doesn't matter what it is, it's
whatever comes along. I never used
to be this way, I never let things get
out of hand. Just what made this
change, I cannot understand! At one
point in my life, nothing would faze
me, I always managed to think with
a clear head. Now, at the slightest
provacation, I'm falling apart instead!
I don't like this feeling, as it's not the
way I want to be. In the meantime, I
hope I can emerge once more, like
the same, old me!

Audrey Heller