Margaret Alice - Feelings: Need To Recharge & Setting You Free

2014-06-15 8

Need To Recharge

Trying to work while my right eye
pulls away to the side, I have to turn
my head left, squint from there, pull
the eye in a skew line so I can see

what’s happening on the screen in
front of me, the situation is dire, I
have lost all desire to do my duty,
my eye indicates I went to bed

much too late, my brain is zonked
out, my mind is closed up with a
cloth of darkest night, cotton wool
in my ears, no motivation

to get up and see who is laughing
in the passage, time standing still
a relative moment of infinity where
the music has stopped

can’t wring any more thoughts from
my head, the mind’s broadcasting
station completely dead, I need to
recharge to wake up again...

Setting You Free With A Smile That Is Wry

Came Romeo from down the
passage to install Adobe Reader,
fifteen days in which to play because
provisional under one license only

I need only a license to kill, kill on
behalf of Her Majesty, I’m so angry,
but sad because of disappointment;
where is my book that tells me

We all should be a light unto
ourselves, we need no-one to
understand the law of well-being
to profit from it

I shall swallow my disappointment
on rediscovering that humans are
beings free making choices without
reference to any of our dreams

Once again, with the help of a book,
a story, a scheme - dream up a storm
that will make me feel good and attract
more good things unto me

Setting you free with a smile that is
wry - but totally forgiving, fly away,
little dream, there ALWAYS will
be another in your place…

Margaret Alice

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