Joseph Dos Santos - Next Resolution

2014-06-15 1

im fed up of the same old thing
so I got myself a solution
its about yeh long
and its called a resolution,
forget turning over a new leaf
im uprooting the entire tree
because going down the same road again
is not the patH for me
tired of the blah-blah
that I Always got to go through
hoPe you don’t feel offended
so sorry if you do
new year
new me
being fresh
being free
cant wraP your mind around what im talking about
just wait a minute and see
im going to do mY own thing
and not worry with who says what
they caN do what they want to
Cause I really don’t give a -, damn
ive alrEady started
and it’s not even time
finished With that early spring cleaning
that emptied out my mind
and replaced with time
you know, that old stupid thing
wonder what joYs
it has decided to bring
i may hurt myself
if I do wish mE well
stubborn is my middle name
printed on my hArd shell
well it doesn’t really matteR
if im happy or if im vexed
because the old me
is about to meet the next

Joseph Dos Santos