A single glance tempts
for another,
The temptress thus lures further.
Deepest of gazes reveals
Nothing but uncertainty,
Swaying my fragile sanity.
More and more I look into
More and more I am confused.
Closer I come, further you go
What are you, friend or foe?
Making me laugh, at times,
At times you laugh at me.
Some moments of pride of owning you,
Some stances of being at your mercy.
Endless search to no avail,
But with in me you do prevail.
To conquer you…if I hope,
You grow further beyond my scope.
A name, a game, an illusion
or a superstition,
Are you true, untrue or a premonition?
If I lose…you wont return,
my pursuit will not be done,
lived with you or living you through
this fascination will continue,
you have always rekindled the desire
to wonder, to worry, to seek and to acquire,
‘LIFE’……..What are you? ? ?
Seema Aarella