Abhilash Gopi - Our brave soldiers

2014-06-15 8

Soldiers! Our soldiers, beloved and brave,
To thee, we salute, with our soul 'n' heart.
Our country, with conviction and dedication, you serve
and in stature, you grow, in our hearts.

On the border, lie Siachen to the north
Where, for us, the bitter cold you brave.
To protect us, your lives, you put forth,
without any personal gains, freedom for us, you crave.

Our seas, when in the face of threat,
to ward off, fleet 'n' ships, you muster.
Our waters, to keep safe and to protect,
even in difficult days, always you act better 'n' faster.

Our skies, to keep clean 'n' safe,
our men are brave, in the flying birds.
To us, the men in blue, always save,
and keep the country, free from predator birds.

Abhilash Gopi
