Margaret Alice - Selfhelp: Cherished As An Invaluable Gift

2014-06-15 1

Dealing with pain – physical pain – the Eastern
guru says stand on your head, my head is too
sore; dealing with emotional upset, feelings of
insignificance; bad planning, I should have had
a pill for this

Another self-help piece of advice: Deep breathing,
visualizing the Eternal Force, whether it be God or
intelligent energy: Nothing works, the pain holds
sway, am I guilty for being this way?

Apparently yes, it could be karma, bad thinking
patterns; whatever it is, it keeps me grounded
in the painful aspect of reality; keeps me feeling
scared – I cannot achieve, cannot do my job,
cannot compete

The pain sees to it; every positive moment cherished
as an invaluable gift, escape that happens momentarily,
more precious than jewels; when I’m feeling well,
I refuse to look at things

That make me feel bad, I’ve got enough
contact with pain - through the allergy!

Margaret Alice