Michael P. Johnson - Reaching Out

2014-06-15 9

I’m reaching out so reaching out
Seeking the face of love
Calling in faith refusing to doubt
Hoping for life above

Beyond the sorrow beyond the pain
Beyond where eagles fly
Seeking Jesus to start again
Before in shame I die

I’ve heard The News I’ve seen The Light
I see the devil’s lies
I’m reaching out to win life’s fight
To He alone who’s wise

To He who showed His love for me
Who bore for me such pain
Who suffered death to set me free
And give me birth again

Oh I’m reaching out near and far
In depth and high above
I’m reaching out to You who are
The Living God of love

So desperate so much in need
So anxious chained and bound
I’m reaching out until I’m freed
Until on holy ground

I’m reaching out almighty King
Calling The Lord supreme
Creator God of everything
And Life’s eternal Stream

By grace my God You’ve given sight
In love You’ve called my name
You gave sweet Lord this robe of white
And set my heart aflame

Michael P. Johnson
