Francis Duggan - A Wise One We Need

2014-06-15 6

In a World where many see human life as cheap
The mothers of the war dead for their dead offsprings weep
Car and suicide bombers and bombs dropped from the sky
The victims of war by the hour multiply.

Though wars of the past with sadness we may recall
From the lessons of war we've not learned at all
We still give power to those who see war as okay
Who sends the troops to battle in Lands far away.

The latest declared war was based on a lie
How many more people in war zones must die?
The price of every war victory and war memorial parade
In human blood and loss of human life paid.

Due to Religion and Culture and National Pride
In terrorism and war far too many have died
We give power to idiots a wise one we need
A wise one to war us never would lead.

Francis Duggan