The problem is you write
What we do not understand, what we do not even want
To think and yet so necessary, so universal
As air
As water
The existence that wouldn’t last
That which cannot be reborn
This division from one to thousands and millions
Spreading in the skies
Diffusing to all the fluids of this universe
The mother of creation
Fifteen minutes of guile
Then to
Fifteen hundred years of suffering
Who can stop this Yoonoos?
This pessimism of man
His hopes that die sooner
Than a petal of a rose that I just plucked today
Nature always comes and goes
Taking anything and yet leaving everything
To grow
Vanishing and yet still so abundant
As far as our eyes can see
Was it just yesterday
There was this heavy rain
This flood and everything was mud and water
And now look at this sun rising above all the grounds
I see the glimpses of grass
Worms wriggling, I see life again
Always undefeated, always surging!