I’ve been passing time
Counting tears as they hit the sand
There are just too many
To try and catch with my hand
The tide rushes in
And carries them away
I want to leave
But my heart says to stay
The sun sinks into the ocean
The waves causing a commotion
I don’t think I can feel another emotion
And visions of you are just a silly notion
How many times did we walk this strand
Two lovers in the moonlight, hand in hand
Now, there are only one set of foot prints
It’s not like I need any more subtle hints
You have disappeared into the mist
And I’m alone again never to be kissed
The moon is pushed up over the brazen hills
Leaving me with the spoils and the spills
The scarlet sky quickly fades
And silent stars glisten on the waves
Creating a moment so romantic
Feelings can become gigantic
But all that will be wasted
True love never again to be tasted
The lustrous moon tempts desire
But like the moth it avoids the fire
Running from the chasing sun
The ingredients of a romance done
Alfred Ramos