Francis Duggan - Jeremiah Joseph Callanan (1795-1829

2014-06-15 33

'There is a green Island in lone Gougane Barra
Where allua of songs rushes forth as an arrow
In deep valley'd Desmond a thousand wild fountains
Come down to that lake from their homes in the mountains.

From Gougane Barra by Jeremiah Joseph Callanan'

Gougane Barra, The Outlaw of Lough Lene and The Convict of Clonmel three poetical gems from the ink of his pen
A poet from Cork in Southern Ireland one of Munster's great literary men
He translated Gaelic poems into English and as well he was an original poet
And he deserves to be remembered as one who is worthy of note.

He was more than a minor man of letters and far more than a man of rhyme
And he died young in Portugal where he went for the warmer clime
Far from the places in verse he had glorified his poems destined to live on
The words of the great poet remembered when most to posterity have gone.

Those who have not heard tell of Jeremiah Joseph Callanan of Irish literature little do know
He was one of Munster's great writers a couple of centuries ago
The wanderlust was in his young heart and the wanderlust carried him away
From the people and places he knew and loved his remains in Portugal lay.

I first read his poem Gougane Barra when I was a primary school going boy
His beautiful imagery and rhyming couplets to me remain a thing of joy
And though he died young in Portugal with just a few coins to his name
In his Homeland he is remembered in Ireland's literary Hall of Fame.

Francis Duggan