I am strange but my heart cares
My feelings are not cruel and this my emotions can feel as I have loved truly in the past
That too truly since my spirit actually cared.
With purity I wish to flow in this life
By trying to be my best.
Please God, somehow give the courage so I can be always kind to everyone
My heart never wants to end up hurting anyone
As when I knowingly or unknowingly hurt someone, then it really does hurt me too
These are not just words as these are messages, which are coming from my heart
Is it a poem or not?
That I do not know as these are emotional verses
My guess is that this is a cry of a weeping heart
It is my spirit, which is really shedding tears as I hope to simply care and spread love
This is my only intention and God please kill me right now if you really think that I am bad.
Rohit Sapra