Francis Duggan - I Love These Cool Evenings

2014-06-15 5

A pleasant though windy evening in early Summer
And the roses in the breezes nod and sway
I feel grateful for such a pleasant evening
It was so warm and humid yesterday.

That's what I like about December weather
It can be warm for a week or more
Today we had a pleasant high of twenty
And yesterday a humid thirty four.

In the warm sunshine of yesterday the birds were singing
The blackbird whistled on the wattle tree
They seem to know when the cool change is coming
There's more to Nature than the eyes can see.

I love these cool evenings of December
The gardens looking greener after rain
The Summer showers to say the least refreshing
And the currawong is singing once again.

A cool and windy evening in December
It makes a welcome respite from the heat
And the white backed magpie flutes his very finest
On the messmate in the park just off of the street.

Francis Duggan