Francis Duggan - If I Were A Good Writer

2014-06-14 1

If i were a good writer of many things I'd write
And on mysterious stories i could help to shed some light
But i am not that clever though i try the best i can
Do for to meet the standard of a true poetic man
I send my verses to Willy Chaplin he puts them on his Dreamagic Site
One of thousands of amateur writers all not equal in the literary critics sight
For every successful writer so many doomed to fail
So many have their rejected manuscripts returned to them by mail
And yet they keep on writing they never do despair
Of knowing of recognition in the bigger World out there
And so few for their writing can hope for to get paid
And some say good writers are born that way and they cannot be made,
Many retain the unfulfilled dreams they had as girl or boy
And if i were a good writer success i would enjoy.

Francis Duggan