U Win Kyi - A Random Act Of Kindness (1) paying the bus fare.

2014-06-14 14

An old man got onto the bus,
holding his free-ride card,
thinking that it was still valid.
The bus driver made a harsh scolding blitz,
after finding out the expiry date had long been passed,
causing the old man very embarrassed.
For 11 NT$ for bus-fare the driver adamantly asked.
At that moment a school girl came to his rescue.
The old man was a stranger she never knew.
Out of her pocket 11 $ she drew,
and gave it to the driver,
who still was yelling in a rude manner,
asking the old man to get out of the bus.
Her action made him feel shameful in a blush.

The next day the old man wrote a letter to the school principal,
telling about what happened exactly in total.
She did it not for fame.
She knew not doing a random act of kindness was a shame.
She came from a poor family,
but she knew how to be pity.
She was then known as a good Samaritan,
setting a good example among her friends.

(dedicated to Hung Chin Yar, a 18 year-old high school student, living
in Taichung, Chin Shwe township)

U Win Kyi


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