Dislocated Heart - these moments...

2014-06-14 1

Life in action.. feeling the sensation...
the breath of air.. blowing against my skin..
I am nothing...

I not worthy.. of anything..
I am just the trash on the floor..
and non sense that is tossed in the air.
I am nothing...

I simply.. Do Not Want To Live... any more...

My teacher, reads me well... knowing just whats on my mind..
She frees me for just a moment..
peace stepped in for that second..
my heart.. stopped shaking..
my hands.. stable..
my mind.. cleared..

She made me realize good times are ahead..
but all the negativity..
makes me see the better in just leaving..

I'm screaming - let me out... let me out..
I wanna be free..

no one is coming for me...
I'm buried too deep and I guess..
I'm not wanting to leave...

Dislocated Heart
