Francis Duggan - On Seeing Turnstone

2014-06-14 2

So many Countries he's been through so many Lands he see
Since he left home a few months back up by the Northern sea
Through Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia's coastal south
And here on beach in Gippsland he feed when tide is out.

What mood possessed the turnstone to leave his northern home
To roam the World in search of food the only life he's known
Here on beach at Cape Paterson so far so far away
From Artic coast or further north where he first saw light of day.

For month or two or maybe three he may find peace of soul
Here in this remote southern land where blue Pacific roll
Till urge will tell him to go north a wanderer he fly
Around the world in search of food until the day he die.

The World map in his tiny brain his instincts tell him he
Should fly the coast and travel north to reach the Artic sea
Two months of travel at the least on rare occasions more
Before he reach his breeding grounds up by the Artic shore.

Compared to man his life is brief and brief will be his span
And he's seen more in a few years than the most travelled man
But who will celebrate his life and tell of where he's been
Of all the Countries he's passed through and beauty he has seen.

On the beach at Cape Paterson he feed when tide is out
He may stay here for a few weeks and then move further south
Till homing urge will come to him and northwards he will wing
To breeding grounds on Artic shore to greet the Northern Spring.

Francis Duggan