ESPN CHICK - Still Not Over You

2014-06-14 14

I think about you still from time to time
I'm not quite over you yet
My heart keeps telling me I need you
But you're so far gone
I don't know the real you anymore

You've changed throughout the years
That I can't figure you out
All those long nights talking to you
Those dark days where you would listen to me
Now are memories I will never forget

You've moved on but I haven't yet
My first heart melt was over you
Everything was you in my head
My heart couldn't bare not seeing you
You were my everything

I could tell the whole world about you
But you were my best kept secret
I'd stay up till 3 in the morning just talking to you
You made me feel so alive
Like nothing and nobody else mattered

I miss the old you
What happened to you
I never dreamed I'd be sitting here all alone
But here I am alone once again
You meant everything to me and now you're just another person that walked out of my life

April 26 2009
Made up


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