Bob Gotti - Is Your Christmas Small?

2014-06-14 7

Is Christ the heart of Christmas, is God in the place He should be?
On a day that we’re shuffling gifts, is it all just about you and me?
Isn’t Christmas about a King, who came to this earth for everyone?
And peace to all He would bring, as this Ruler was God’s own Son.

This very One, who came so meek, did not remain a child so small,
For that, baby so mild and weak, would grow to be The Lord of all.
But if people think of Christ at all, it won’t be as The Lord on High,
He is still that tiny baby in a stall, and in this time, we pass Him by.

How many people, would you say, of all the families on this earth,
When they celebrate Christmas Day, look beyond that infant birth?
How many people truly understand, as you consider every nation,
That Christ came to a tiny land, to bring the world God’s Salvation.

How is it men have come so far, within this intelligent human race,
Yet in this season, men will bar, all Truth of God’s Saving Grace?
Not using this Holy time of year, to lift up God’s Christmas Truth,
While giving in to political fear, concerned only of man’s reproof.

Why was Christ born my friend, to give the merchants a holiday?
Or, was it God’s means to an end, to show all men a better way?
Christmas would be awful small, if we didn’t have hope in Christ,
Who came to earth to die for all, so all men can have eternal life.

Bob Gotti