Raman Savithiri - 974. Amma, You are the judge of global life cycle!

2014-06-14 7

Every cause will have its own effect;
Who could stop any befalling fate?
Let me gain courage to accept any doom;
As an effect of my own past karma;

Amma, let any one hurt me to any extent;
Let me not retaliate; Let me not complain;
I will bear the pain,
By just sitting at Your feet
And silently dropping tears;
After all, my karma bundle is diminished!
I can never take the post of evaluator;
I don’t want to prove myself too;
If I am innocent, I know;
You will punish those who did harm;

Even the holy Mother Ganges’ son,
The great archer with unequal armour,
The great celibate with untainted heart – Bhishma,
Could not escape the tears
Dropped from Panjali’s lotus eyes.
At least at the end of his life,
He was penalized to be in awful arrow-bed,
For many days together until his repentance.

Your justice is beyond human perception;
May be delayed, but never denied;
Sinner may enjoy for the time being;
Might be – he reaps his good karmas.
But the day will certainly come-
That day-
He will become the focus of his sins too!

Raman Savithiri
