Bashyam Narayanan - I have no more tears to shed

2014-06-14 2

I am Moshe. Two-year old curly haired little one

Just the other day I was with my mom and dad

An unfamiliar person entered our premises and
He had a lot to say to my parents
Of which I could not make out a bit

Then what happened?
The stranger aimed at my parents the weapon he carried
It was all in seconds ny parents fell back,
First my mom. followed by my dad

The stranger left
I had no idea Whether he marked my presence

I reached my mom. ran my palm over her face and
bent over her for an affectionate kiss
Normally she used to hug me intently for a similar act of mine
But she did not move. I shook her head. no response
I shook her hand. no response

And I saw a pool of blood below her motionless hand.
Which held my father’s

I felt something odd
And started crying

Do not know. how long I cried
When my nanny appeared from somewhere
And took me away into the open

It did not take long for me to realise
That my mom and dad are not any where near
I ate whatever offered as I was hungry
Woke up in between.
Only to know that my parents are not nearby
And then to cry

During my entire wakeful hours
I kept crying and
I kept eating something
As and when I felt hungry

Suddenly I was in the midst of a big gathering
Only my nanny was to be seen

The things that went on made me understand that my
Mom and dad have gone quite a far
And it will take long, much longer
Before I could see them again

First time I smiled
At a kid of my size
Stopping my cries
Without realising
I have no more tears to shed

Bashyam Narayanan