Bashyam Narayanan - How much sinful are thee?

2014-06-14 1

Sin, what is your understanding
Mine is this
Any act that will have reasons
For you to regret later is a sin
“Act” here includes even
Your thought process

“We are all sinners”
Declares a religion
“I am the most sinful”
Is the description of the self
By most of the yesteryears'
Hindu religious preachers,
Who are even now talked about
And held in great reverence
They declared themselves sinful
Probably because they only knew
Their thought processes,
Which would have fallen in 'sin' category
All these point to one thing
That we are bound to commit sin
Physically, verbally or mentally

Modern or scientific
Definition of sin could be
Any act that will load with you
Negative charges leading you
To unproductive or anti-productive
Physical, verbal or mental acts

It is, therefore, apparent
Physical act or verbal abuse
Alone does not constitute a sin
Your thought process, too
Can be a sin
If it conforms to the
Above description

Be watchful on your thoughts
Know how frequently
You entertain negative or sinful thoughts
The more frequently you give room
To such thoughts
The more sinful you become

Bashyam Narayanan