Bashyam Narayanan - It was a less mourned death

2014-06-14 1

A person of strong
Likes and dislikes
Expressed his feelings
Irrespective of their
Being palatable or not

Earned mostly bad names
Because of his ventilation
Of what he feels

Most of us camouflage
Our real feelings and
Come out with only sweet and
Untrue expressions

He was a person who demonstrated
True love and in that
His advices were bitter a times
But always held a load of
Pure love and affection

Even those people,
Who have nothing but
Complaints against him
Enjoyed his voluntary services
And which he rendered without
Any expectation but only
To demonstrate his love for them

How many of us are going
To remember him for his
Great qualities

The same outbursts of
His unmasked opinion
Did not take him far
And did not allow him
To have a life most of us
Normally enjoy

Till last minute he lived
His life his own way
May be true, he did not
Do sacrifices to maintain
Relations because he might have
Thought his love is sufficient
Enough to do that and he did not
Believe in convincing people
That he is right

And the day he breathed his last
His soul departed alone and unsung
I am sure his soul will always be around
Those, whom he dearly loved
But my heart knows
It was a less mourned death

Bashyam Narayanan

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