Sridhar Amrita Aum - An Offering to the Divine Mother

2014-06-14 4

|| Ma Aum ||

A Poem offered to the Divine Mother


Ma, dark clouds never failed
In enhancing the Beauty of Infinite Sky
Nor even the black spots scattered
Over the Full Moon on the Pournami day.

But the clouds within, a mass of rust
Ever fail miserably me
In reaching Thy Lotus Feet
Throwing away from Thee.

Would You heal the wound, named Ignorance
Afflicting the mind, the turbulent and violent?
The habituated grains ingrained, named desires;
None ever dared count these unnumbered!

Thou art the Ocean of Knowledge
Filled with endless waves of Unconditional Love
Clasping the little one in Thy Bosom,
Heal me from the disease of Ignorance.

Sridhar Amrita Aum