Iwas always waitng,
waiting for dinner to be served
waiting for my daughter to out,
Waiting for the servicing of the car,
waiting for the bus to come,
Waiting for the train to arrive,
waitng for the night sleep,
Waiting for the calls on phone,
Waiting the credit card to be mailed,
Waiting for the ration card,
waiting for renewal of driving licence,
Waiting the daughter to come,
Waiting for good word from the boss,
Waiting in Q for the ATM,
Waiting for the email response,
Waiting for the promotions,
Waiting for daughter's results
Waiting for a praise from my wife,
Waiting for the friends to gather,
Waitnig for a fove star meal,
waitnig for a look from a dame,
Waiting for the loves not reaching,
And waiting for the death at last.
Ravikiran Arakkal.