Ana Monnar - Half Full, Or Half Empty?

2014-06-14 4

When you see a glass that is halfway,
Do you see it half full or half empty?
I will tell you what I see,
I see a glass that is half full.

Then, I thank God for quenching my thirst
And I continue to count my blessings.
For you see,
I have faith, a family and a roof over my head.

That is more than many others might have,
For some are hungry, homeless and lost.
You might have loved ones that are very ill,
But count your blessings for the good times.

You might have loved ones that have died,
But be grateful for the memories.
Thank God for what you have and be grateful!
Count your blessings, be grateful, do right.

With God all things are possible.
Thank you God for everything.

Ana Monnar