William J. (Skip) Henderson Jr. - Fantasies and Dreams

2014-06-14 11

Fantasies are whimsical thoughts that take on the form of dreams
Which seemingly promote an ethereal mental thought and image.
The picture is of something or someone desired so badly that the object of that fantasy
Takes on a realistic presence that titillates the senses, makes them work overtime.

The fantasy takes a more dreamlike presence that pervades the conscious mind
To becomes a seeming goal in a dream state of being.
Fantasies are fleeting, momentary and short lived when one realizes
That fantasies do not offer an empirical place in our dreams or goals.

During sleep a dream is a mental story of images,
Thoughts and emotions that are embodied in a vision.
A vision that can be as lucid as seeing an event in vivid colors.
Or hearing sound as if in a music studio or of precognitive nature.

Dreams are what one wishes could be true and has a realistic basis of achieving.
One can dream of having a career, set that as a goal and achieve it or
Relationship with another that grows to a permanent status.
Dreams are conscious thoughts that maintain a perspective in our daily lives.
They are guideposts on the path of life.

William J. (Skip) Henderson Jr.
