Gaurav Mittal - I Shall Fly

2014-06-14 2

Sometimes, when I look
Out of the window,
I see trees and a
Dove as white as snow.

I look at his wings,
Flapping through the air.
Flies by my window,
Giving me a stare

Seems to ask me, ‘Dont
You wish you could fly?
Making friends with clouds,
Soaring through the sky? ’

‘Yes’, I say, ‘I do
Want to fly like you.
To fly across seas;
Over mountains too’

‘You cannot fly you
Fool! ’ the white dove sings
‘Cannot fly without
Two majestic wings’

'I might not have the
Wings you have' I said
'But I have a spirit
Which shall never fade'

'A spirit that's bold,
That shall never die;
One that shall strive to
Glide through the blue sky'

'I shall fly one day
Oh Dove! I shall fly;
Where even eagles
Could not dare to try '

Gaurav Mittal