Krystal Galvis - The Lonely half

2014-06-14 1

Sometimes i wish
I could I hide
the lonely half in me

All you can see
Is pain and suffering
Crouched in a little corner
Hiding my face between my legs

Nobody can help me
I can't fix myself
Nobody knows the real me

I put on this false act
And when you call my name
My frown turns into a smile
While I am dying insde

All I ever wanted was
A boy to accepted me who i am
Just like me.....for me
Not just personality, but apperance too!
But no boy will look at me.....
The way I imagine

I hate the boy who broke my heart
Look what he did to me
You broke my heart
You left me no feeling inside

You left me
Hurt, angry, and bitter
And because of you
My lonely half is revealed

Krystal Galvis