Gaz illionaire - Painting a Poem

2014-06-14 2

Give me all the U’s that America didn’t want in favour,
Take me home to you I’m on my best behaviour,
Give me all the Q’s that didn’t get any reply,
Take me in your arms I swear it will imply,
Give me all the words that you typed,
And I’ll write you a beautiful paragraph
Almost as beautiful as you.

I look at the people getting on loving all the fiction,
I never see what’s gonna happen I have no intuition,
Stay still I cant paint a picture but I’ll paint a poem,
All alone in my zone smoking as I’m too prone,
To take you in my arms in a room with no alarms,
No sirens no lightning just exciting melodies,
And even better memories with you.

Do you walk on or avoid the cracks in the pavement?
Do you think this is an alright arrangement?
Give me all the slang that you can’t understand,
Here I’m a Geordie man with no roots in soil,
I’m just here to get into peoples lives and spoil,
As much happiness as I make I do it by mistake,
You’re a much better person than me.

Gaz illionaire

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