ivor or ivor.e hogg - Spinsters Legacy

2014-06-14 1

Great Grandma’s walnut cabinet.
In my house still holds pride of place,
displays her treasures even yet.
Fine china that we could not replace

A solid silver tea service.
Presented to her when she wed,
Objets D’Art beyond all price.
Rare curios she collected.

It has passed down the family.
Mother to daughter faithfully
by each one cared for carefully.
Until at last it came to me.

I have no children never wed
so this tradition ends with me.
I have decided when I am dead,
this piece of local history.

Should be on show for all to see
I have bequeathed it clear and free.
To a museum locally
in honour of her memory.

I have no living kith or kin
with me will die the family tree
I had a brother Benjamin
but he died young, a tragedy.


ivor or ivor.e hogg
