Why should we fear the alien?
who seem to be observing us.
I fear much more my fellow men
It seems to me ridiculous.
That we assume hostility
of which there’s little evidence.
Perhaps the strange craft which we see
are merely on reconnaissance.
They’re tasked to watch the human race
but not allowed to interfere
. For some signs of maturity.
They are afraid that we draw near
to having the technology.
Which will enable us to spread
from our small island galaxy.
A happening they view with dread.
They know we are belligerent.
We have been watched for centuries
The fear the threat that we present.
We’re quarantined like some disease.
These monitors form outer space
who keep a wary eye on us.
Are right to fear the human race.
They are not merely curious.
Despite the progress man has made
to them we lack maturity...
They have good cause to be afraid
we threaten their security..
They have the right to be afraid
of human ingenuity.
Perhaps in time we’ll make the grade
when we attain maturity.
Man is his own worst enemy
he sees each stranger as a foe
and meets him with hostility.
We dare not let our own fear show.
Why should we fear the alien.
There is no reason for alarm
They do not act like other men
why should we fear that they mean harm..
ivor or ivor.e hogg