Ashley Stone - His thoughts

2014-06-14 6

His thoughts are what ail me

The not knowing then the assumptions
they all leave me frail

Unasnwered questions
hanging in the balance

I sit here and stare at him
as if I'm trying to read his thoughts

I sit here and glare at him
waiting to hear him speak

Speak what he thinks and tell me what he means

Scream from the roof tops
Proclaiming his guilt
Explain to me why he did this filth

I want hear his thoughts and deduce why he'd do what he did
and why to me

Perhaps then I'll be less distraught
If i know his reasons and his thoughts

I wish to know his every thought
Why he does each thing
And thinks each thought

Perhaps then I'll be less distraught
If I know his reasons and his thoughts

There's just one thought that may not make me less distraught what if his reason for hurting me is not at all what I thought

Am i prepared to hear the driving froce
behind the hatred that's taken its course

To hear the reasons
from the lips of evil
it may be a lot more painful
than I've ever thought

Ashley Stone