Oh how I love them chickens
Why, they make the world go ‘round
I’ve always enjoyed being near
The cluck cluck chicken sound
They’re industrious little creatures
Constantly busy scratchin’ the ground
Ah yes, and then once again you hear
That favorite clucking sound
You’ll never find a better friend
Than a chicken on the loose
He’s very happy to visit with you
Much more so than the silly goose
Did you ever sit in the chicken house
And just watch their busy day?
I have and although it’s stinky
They live in an interesting way
Out in the woods of a friend’s house
When I was just a little girl back when
Chickens roamed and laid their eggs
It was like Easter following those hens
We’d raise these furry creatures too
Starting from tiny chicks in a box
But once they went into the hen house
You had to watch for a cunning fox
Hate to mention the day that came along
When ma would lop off a few heads
YIKES it was an upsetting time for me
I’d rather have stayed right in my bed
But crispy home-fried chicken
Once the feather’s we’d finished pickin’
Would make us forget all the rest
The best part of The World of Chicken!
Marilyn Lott