2014-06-14 2

Looking back upon the photos of the thin me
And how much thinner I used to be
I wish I was that way again
But when I ws that way I complaned

I wish I was thinner round the waist
I don’t even want to talk about my face
I have a massive stomach
It bothers me the most

My memories of me when I was thinner haunt me like a ghost
I miss my body the way it was I miss my flat tummy the most
I never meant to put on weight
It just happened it was fate

I just wish I could be the old me again
i want to have the thinner frame
to loss all the weight that I have already gained
people notice and I have been ask more than once am I pregant

I hate it the fact that people judge by the way we look
And the many comments I have received I could write a book
Some of my clothes don’t fit anymore
When I hear people talk about it I try an ignore

The biggest part of me is not out the outside
If people could only see the biggest part of me
Then they would realize that I am unhappy with what I be
This is how I feel
when I see the old me