Matt Mondschein - The Countdown Begins

2014-06-14 1

We are melting
As glaciers dissapear to nothingness
The vast waters stretch wider
Polor bears' begin an exodus mode
While they search on and on for a new abode

The sun moves inward
Or it seems to be
Human hearts sweltering
Snow falls in August
Society ponders
How can this be?

Animals, thirsty, run to the sea
What will happen to you and me?
Signs of desperate times
Homes lost to the banks
Soldiers dieing
In their ranks

Mexicans wanting freedom
Scurry over the borders fences
Searching for the american dream or start
American families being torn apart

Meadowlarks and sparrows
Languidly fly, to cleaner air
Only to find out, the tanks are empty
Their lungs filled, with smog
Is'nt life unfair?

Does anyone truly care?
Madness, sickness, everywhere
Am I the only one going insane?
Or is this really Princes' purple rain?

Matt Mondschein

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