I used to pretend I was an undercover spy
all through my years at school and varsity –
it coloured an academic life with excitement
whenever I come across secret information
my antennae are out and I read all about
unexplained phenomena – such as the discovery
of a civilisation on the far side of the moon –
photographs taken by the lunar orbiter showing
a series of artificial structures – clearly there is
a base with geometric shapes on the other side –
towers, spherical buildings; large radar dishes;
earth is said to have received directives from
extraterrestrial races on the dark side of the
moon: Do Not Return Anytime Soon –
as an undercover spy I lap up all secretive
and dramatic statements strewn here and
there; all occult information that abound
like pebbles on a beach, just awaiting
interpretation – thus life becomes a game
of great fun and pure elation!
Margaret Alice