JoJo Bean - (Dodgy Dave Tale) Streaking Tonsils

2014-06-14 37

(DDT) Streaking Tonsils

Now we must go way back for this tale
Way, way back when Dave was a very young male
He has already admitted the deeds of his youth
Of streaking by barbed wire fences as truth

Little did he know that when running while bare
The thrill of his youth to show off his wears
That he may catch a cold or the flu
And that's why this story just isn't through

You see it came one Halloween night
That David was sick and full of such fright
It wasn't the fear of the dark
Or to much candy that left it's mark

His tonsils were swollen and had to come out
The Dr surmised without any doubt
The operation performed on his own kitchen table
David was shaking, but Doc's hands were stable

So Dave missed out on all the fun that Halloween eve
I hope he learned a lesson received
If you're going to streak to show of your wears
You better at least put a scarf on with care
So your tonsils won't swell and get all ill
Then you wouldn't have missed out on a Halloween thrill

9 June 2008

JoJo Bean