Trevor Schulte - The Idealistic Moment

2014-06-14 4

Waiting for the moment to come
when I can stretch out my arms;
I watch the world pass by
with high-earned ambitions.
My heart longs to be
something bigger.
Something that'll break the bounds
and restructure the norm.
Yet, each minute strolls by
untouched, unnoticed, unappreciated.
The seconds beckon for fulfillment
while my stubbornness shys back with reluctance.
I continue to sit, wasting away valuable time
and making a contribution that matches
oil to water.
When will my idealistic second appear?
When will my heart flare with excitement?
When will my mind shake, forcing it to awake
and face my passing mistakes; bringing a realization
that it was myself who flaked
the surmounting opportunities
of which, I did not partake...and all that's left
is the compromised last piece of cake.
Yet, I will not fall once again
but will dismiss the dismay in a discontinuation;
resounding the rejected reflections
with a thin hope built of no metabolism.
This moment will arrive
when I step out and choose,
thus adjusting my heart
to a rhythm that voids the blues.

Trevor Schulte

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