Pain in my gutlit spirit...
weigh in faults of words by men who often fear it.
Mistakes at love may doom all unfettered men...
Days faced as single or divorced may be my life heard din.
Every step miss taken by flight...
Becomes indentured slaves to night life at darkest night.
Lasso tossed by a wandering eyefilled lass...
Candied sighted of men by singled girl's reaching hands for guys who
these horny tarts must she to has as outrun enmass.
Eyeballs bulge for wanted sights...
Better viewed by a tall hill side's telescopic's sighted fro' heights.
Chase as the chase does to approach...
Like a bird of predatory ever alertly sneaky encroach.
Lookit' the shadow down by the lake...
Beyond the dock's watery shadowy visionary intake.
Hath thy prey escaped thy catch? ...
Give heart to thy one most wanted chase wholey to be one of a unmatch.
Bait of the fishing female....
Has to be royally as luring and loyally regal.
Michael Gale