Peter S. Quinn - There Is Love in Every Close Heart

2014-06-14 13

There is love in every close heart,
Never to go away or die;
For in love there's no end or start,
Only the ways we try.

And what it is, it's full of glory,
And sweetest things we know;
There is no end to its story,
And only it can always grow.

It's the things we treasure truly,
When we search for the truth;
And still it is yet the only,
True fountain of our youth.

There is love and wishes too,
In young wings that now fly;
Across sunset lonesome blue,
As autumn says soon goodbye.

And everything is turning gray,
With darkish starry nights;
Until in early spring of May,
In the returning of the lights.

I'll say to you I love you,
There is no need for any more
Words, than these, those are true,
To be confidently assure.

There is love in every close heart,
Never to go away or die;
For in love there's no end or start,
Only the ways we try.

Peter S. Quinn