ivor or ivor.e hogg - I dare you Adult content

2014-06-14 63

I can recall quite vividly
the day I solved the mystery.
How girls and boys were different
. We were so young and innocent.

Our youthful curiosity
was satisfied quite easily.
She showed me hers. I showed her mine
Noting the different design.

We were too young and innocent
to understand quite what it meant.
Why she was different from me
it made no sense that we could see.

Until later years when we
were fast approaching puberty
Our bodies underwent great change
as hormones tried to rearrange

and reinforce the difference
The things began to make more sense.
We’d left our childhood days behind
and we were struggling to find.

A new sense of identity
which would provide stability
Though we were hovering in between
what we were now and what we’d been.

We settled down eventually
and we were ready physically
To fall in with Dame Nature’s plan
Unaltered since the world began.

I must confess when first I tried
it left us both unsatisfied
I was too quick she was too slow
there was so much we didn’t know.

Practice makes perfect so they say
and so we practiced every day
and learned to bless the difference.
We realised it made good sense.

That boys and girls were different
If this was sin I won’t repent.
Although the priesthood say I must
It was not simply down to lust.

To us it was a learning curve
apprenticeship we had to serve.
I still recall it vividly
a not too painful memory.


ivor or ivor.e hogg


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