Straightaway, Prince Yesilei
set out to find his vanished
bride, through the land he
rides and rides, when he
weeps, fierce winds blow
his tears away, everywhere
he asks and asks, Have you
seen my Princess, tell me,
tell me, has she passed?
He turned towards the Sun,
Have you somewhere seen
my lost Princess? If you have,
you will know, hair like midnight,
face like snow – the Sun replied,
No, ask my friend the Moon, the
Moon recommended, Ask my
friend the Wind, the Wind told
Follow a trickling stream to a
mountain cave, in that cave a
coffin hangs, a crystal coffin
hung by chains, in that coffin
lies your bride who neither wakes
nor sleeps, unriddle that riddle
if you will – Yesilei found a
coffin made of glittering crystal,
inside was a girl –
His lost Princess, he cast himself
on it, the crystal broke, she sighed,
sat up, saw the Prince and smiled,
Prince Yesilei then wed his Princess,
delicious food and drink were flowing
like the Volga, says Alexander Pushkin,
he knows for sure – for he was
Quoted from “Enchanter’s Spell – The Princess and The Seven Brothers”
by Alexander Pushkin 1987; pp.32,33,34.
Margaret Alice